Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Kidney and Urine Concentration Achievable free essay sample

Exploring the Role of the Solute Gradient on Maximum Urine Concentration Achievable. 1. As you increased the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid, what happened to the concentration of the urine? as the concentration gradient increased the concentration increased by the same amount. 12. What happened to the volume of the urine as you increased the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid? The volume of urine decreased 13. What effect does the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid have on the maximum urine concentration? Increases the concentration gradient increased the maximum urine concentration. The following questions refer to Activity 5: Studying the Effect of Glucose Carrier Proteins on Glucose Reabsorption. 14. What happens to the concentration of glucose in the urine as the number of glucose carriers increases? As you all more carriers the concentration of glucose in the urine decreases 15. Glucose can be elevated in the blood of a diabetic person. Relate this information to glucose in the urine and glucose carriers. We will write a custom essay sample on Kidney and Urine Concentration Achievable or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because there is more glucose in the blood than can be handled by the glucose carriers much of a diabetics urine would consist of the excess glucose that the carriers could not handle. They would also use every single glucose carriers they have to try and reabsorb all the glucose they could. The following questions refer to Activity 6: Testing the Effects of Hormones on Urine Formation. 16. What was the volume of urine in the presence of aldosterone? 180. 90 How did aldosterone affect the urine volume? it decreased the urine output 17. What happened to the concentration of potassium in the urine in the presence of aldosterone? there was more potassium present in the urine 18. What was the volume of the urine in the presence of ADH? 20. 4 How did ADH affect the urine volume? greatly decreased it 19. Why did the concentration of potassium change in the presence of ADH without a change in the excretion of potassium? because it made the distal tubule and collecting duct more water permeable and more of the water was reabsorbed increasing the concentrations. 20. Does ADH favor the formation of dilute or concentrated urine? Explain. concentrated using because it makes th e tubes more permeable allowing the body to take up water which would increase the concentration by decreasing the solvent.

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